スイカ water melon
時期:4月中旬~8月中旬 middle of Apr~middle of Aug
拠点産地:今帰仁村 nakijinson
90% of fruit pulp is moisture and 10% is sugar,but there are lots of vitamins and mineral,amino acid also.There are lycopene & carotenoid inside fruit pulp,it helps to control aging,cancer,hardening of the arteries because of action oxigen.
Water melon works good for protection of dropsy & high blood pressure.The sugar of water melon changes energy very soon,and to make body cold,so it is good to supply energies to the tired body.

ピーマン piement/greenepper
時期:3月上旬~5月下旬 early in Mar~late in May
拠点産地:八重瀬町(具志頭地区) yaesecho(gushikami area)
The piment belongs to family of red pepper,Latin America is place of origin.
Piment is popular all of the world,and there are many different kinds of piement.Piement has rich vitaminC,P,calotin.
The color,green of piment is element of chlorophyll which protect not to stick cholesterol to blood vessel,and take off cholesterol out of body.
レタス lettuce
時期:2月上旬~4月下旬 early in Feb~late in Apr
拠点産地:糸満市 itoman-shi
The place of origin is middle east,mediterranean.Lettuce belongs to chrysanthemum family.There are lots of calotin,vitaminC,E,calcium,iron,potassium,dietary fiber.
馬鈴薯(ばれいしょ) poteto
時期:2月上旬~4月下旬 early in Feb~late in Apr
拠点産地:宜野湾市 ginowan-shi
In Japan we call potato "bareisyo"because of look like a bell of horse.
Place of origin is Andes area of Latin America,and spreded to all of the world for saving hunger in 16 century. Calium which incldes poteto take off sodium out of body.
And it works good for high blood pression because of too much taking salts.
There are vitaminB1,vitaminC,dietary fiber inside potatos,and can take vitamin all the year.

にんじん carrot
時期:2月上旬~4月下旬 early in Feb~late in Apr
拠点産地:糸満市・うるま市(津堅島) itoman-shi・uruma-shi(tsukenjima area)
Carrot is brightly colerd vegetable belonging to parsley family.Place of origin is Afghanistan.Carrot has lots of calotinB,potassium,dietary fiber.
They say that only one carrot is enogh to take vitaminA which we needs per day.
VitaminA works to make strong skin and mucous membrane,and increases immune strength.And there are αcalotine & βcalotin which increase antioxidative effect,and effects to protect lifestyle diseases.