いんげん kidney bean
時期:12月上旬~4月下旬 early in Dec~late in Jul
拠点産地:南城市(知念地区・大里地区) nanjo-shi(chinen area・osato area)
There are lots of carotin,vitamin B and there are also rich in dietary fiber.
There are mineral,example ,and specially insidethe pod there are asparatic acid,lysine,amino acid.French bean is very good
vegetable includes nutrition of vegetables and beans.
ゴーヤー goya
時期:5月上旬~8月上旬 early in May~early in Aug
itoman-shi・nanjo-shi(osato area)・nago-shi・kumejimacho・miyakojima-shi
Goya has lots of vitaminC as about 1.5 times more than lemon,even after cooking..There are good balanced minerals of calium,calcium,iron.Goya is popular vegetable in Okinawa for protection of suffering from summer heat. The bitter ingredient is effecting good for stomack & gastrointestine & liver,and effecting good for inclusing og appetite.
*数種類のサポニンと20種類のアミノ酸などで構成されており、胃壁を刺激して消化を助ける他に肝機能を高める作用と小腸の働きを活性化させ、また、血糖降下作用、血圧のコントロール作用、鎮静作用、血液をサラサラにするという生活習慣病予防に効果的な苦み成分とされている。 最近ではDNA、RNA(細胞が増えていく上で欠かせない核酸の主要物質)の合成を阻害する働きがあり、ガン細胞を攻撃するナチュラルキラー細胞を活性化させ、ガン細胞の増殖を抑える効果あると期待されています。
オクラ okura
時期:6月上旬~9月下旬 early in Jun~late in Sep
拠点産地:うるま市・石垣市・南城市 uruma-shi・ishigaki-shi・nanjo-shi
Original place is around Etiopia.From about 2000 years ago they rise OKURA in Egypt.Okinawa is subtoropical to good place to rise OKURA.
Okura is sticky but this sticky works good for intestinal regulation and protection of sugar diabetes.There are pectin which effects good of constipation.
There are also mucin which helps to absorption of protein and helps not to take cholesterol .And also there are calotinB,vitaminB1,C,E,calcium,iron.
かぼちゃ pumpkin
時期:3月上旬~6月上旬 early in Mar~early in Jun
haebarucho(tsukazan area・hebaru area)・miyakojima-shi・
Pumpkin is the representation of brightly colored vegetables.
There are lots of vitaminE,βcalotin,vitaminA,C,and specially vitaminE is the one of the top class.VitaminE gives good effect to advance blood circulation.Carotene has normalize mucosal system and good effect of improving immune strength.
Pumpkin is espected to protect colds as Japanese saying.
とうがん wax gourd/winter melon
時期:4月上旬~6月下旬 early in Apr~late in Jun
拠点産地:伊江村・宮古島市 ieson・miyako-shi
India or troppic Asia is the place of origin.In Okinawa wax gourd was grown wild from ancient.Wax gourd incldes 95.3% moisture,and lots of vitaminC.The calory is very low,and has diuresis.It is very easy to digest and in China people say wax gourd is very good vegetable for weak stomack gastrointestine.The taste is very light,easy to cook for Japanese & Europian dishes.